Read the title. Kalau pandai, korang tau la apa topic hari nie. LOL! YES! Skinny Mint! Its like the IN THING now.
I used to be skinny. Yes, I was underweight wen I was younger. 40kg. CAN U BELIEVE IT! kudut sey. I hate myself. Da kurus buruk pulak tu. LOL! But, as I get older.... my metabolism pon tukar. 40kg shoot up to 49.6kg now. Almost 50kg?! Thanks to not being cerewet now, always ate double portion and not forgetting the good food that fiancé always belanja..... abik kau! Aku naik badan, dia pon naik badan! But my only problem is my big fat arm and huge tummy. Orang tak tau... drg igt aku mengandung at least 3 bulan uh. Tak bedek. Sebab tu skarang I avoid wearing baju ketat...... kene baju longgar2.. da tk boleh pakai fitting. SUMPAH BURUK.
Den orang2 semua da tegur aku badan naik...."happy sgt ke skarang?" "eh, kene maintain tau nak kawin.. nanti tak ley pakai baju pengantin nanti susah." "macam mane kau ley naik badan?" ... skarang all I hear is all tis kind of comments and questions. dulu, "apasal kurus sgt...? kurus2 tak lawa..." "tak makan eh?"... Kurus salah. Naik salah. Ini la manusiaaaaa kan kan kan? So ya, so I just layan je now... org tanya apasal naik.... senang skarang aku answer balik "oh cik! saya ni happy skarang!!" hahahahahahaha. well, partly is true la! happy eversince da bertunang.... ALHAMDULILLAH....
At 1st I wanna try Teh Orang Kampung. So I asked ard, theres 2 type. satu original flavour and theres another 1 with lemon. My coliq ever tried... she said she always go toilet after she drank the tea. Den terus dia tak minum lagi... coz slalu sgt pegi toilet and tak ley concentrate keje... But another said its good... coz she lost wgt and get her ideal wgt that she wanted. Dia pon size ard the same as me..... its just tat last time dia chubbier la... now she's like perfect..... da lepas bersalin pon tetap maintain... baik eh!?
SIL also told me to eat some supplement for mcm maintain kan badan etc2.. den I saw tis SKINNY MINT in FB..... For a couple of months already... I didn't get it becoz takot tak works... den my Chinese coliq bought it recently... she said its good... but the taste for nite cleanse abit funny... and she does goes to the toilet. but not as often... and its not the diarrhea type.... it took me sometime still to get it actually..... den I heard.... my staff nurse belik.... den I asked her haf she tried.... she said she haven't try it becoz dia nak family planning. meaning dia trying to haf 2nd child... so its not advisable to drink it... den aku... being aku.... dengan slumber nya...... Tanya "eh! since u are planning.... Y not u sell it to me!!!!!??" gan muka2 excited aku.. LOL!! And she totally agree rather going to waste and just put it as a display in her kitchen... hehehe... and I paid lesser... coz she bought the Bestie Value Detox pack...its a 28 days teatox. she bought it with another coliq of mine.... she just started and she said her appetite kurang...
And I just started last nite!!! the nite tea kene minum alternate nites... and morning kene minum everyday as long before pukul 5pm.. I really dunno y before 5... but I just listen la kan! hahaha. it took my body longer den expected.... I drank at 1030 pm last nite.... but I wen to the toilet at almost 12 noon today.... but dia pon ckp,... different body different timing.... so I'm those yg lambat type la... and I poo-ed a lot! never in my whole 27 yrs I poo-ed like tat.... and I today I already wen twice with tat amt,... it does cleanse ur bowel I guess... and its a good thing.... its good for those who haf constipated problem also.....
the taste? nite cleanse wasn't tat nice.... but I don't really mind it..... u can add honey and lemon if u cant take the taste.... I rather go for the original flavour.... and the morning mcm fruity2.... mild ye type.... but it was nice... some of dem add some strawberry and lemon into it.... its up to u la.... and again... I rather go for original favour... I dun wan to ruin the flavour from the bag itself.. haha!
Hopefully, by the 28th day.... my tummy flatter abit.... minum.... but u need to exercise also k... and eat clean too... but I haven't exercise la... lazy... I know.... jadi ke tak jadi kita tgk la end of 28th day.... if its good. I will continue buying.... if not.... den ikhtiar bende lain la nya....
u want more reviews & how to order? sila la kelaman web mereka...