Friday, August 15, 2014


Review aft 7th days of Skinny Mint.
Okie I haf to admit... their models already skinny.... and I don't tink so la drg minum air ni kan... hahaha. yg dpt sponsored pon drg sponsor yg kurus2.... takde makna nya la kan. lol!!!
But, skinny mint does wonders to me. I used to be super bloated and mcm "pooping" once a day. Tetiba.... aft minum tea ni...... berkesan uolls!! tapi takde la se-flat mcm models tu kan. itu semua bedek la nyah~ tak percaya aku. hahahaha.... but tummy now, maintain uolls! kempis la jgak kan.... ade jgak still fatty2.. but wat do u expect.... baru hari ke 7. mcm real la yg 3rd day da flat. lol!
well, I still eats normally. sorta..... now, portion ye kurang sikit.... and sometimes I just had bread or apa2 la... kdg2 tu takde selera la.... sebab the morning boost tu kurang kan appetite... tapi tetap makan uh. giler tak makan?! pengsan la I kat keje... anyway, my coliqs noticed the diff before and after.. and they told me to continue... but they always worried.... keep on saying "what if u in the bus want to TAPIAN?! Den how uh?????" hahahaha. bukan drg je tau... mak aku pooooon la! Kadang2 tu terpikir jgak la wat if it happens... terpaksa uh turun mana2 carik toilet.... AS LONG BUKAN DEKAT LUAR MRT STATION MCM RECENT CASE KAT HOLLAN V TU. Itu org mintak kene maki... itu pon "garmen" tak ckp or comment pape eh?! apaaaa nk jadi nie!
Anyhoooooo.... my bowel better now.... pegi toilet ade uh 3 ke 4 kali sehari.... and I tell u.... it sounds disgusting.... but its in big portion if u get wat I mean... pretty much happy abt it! lol!! Alhamdulillah la... bayar mahal2 den nmp dia ye effect...
But, I think tak semua body boleh take it. Sebab, my nurse took... she said she kena major headache at work... for 3 days wen she consume... den aft she stop it.... the headaches also gone. and another coliq of mine.... took it.... but takde diff langsung.... so it all depends on individual body.
So, now, I've got 3 more weeks to go....... I think I will continue...... since its ok with me... no problem at all.... till the big day.. of coz uh aku tak minum 2 days before nk kawin... giler?! da jambu2... tetiba nak pi toilet apa hal?! hahahahahaha....
I have my before and after picture... tapi I tak akan post la... tak manis nak show off ur tummy kat sini... biar la kenangan kat dlm hp.. hehehehe.... okie... sesiapa nk try... no harm k..... kalau tak works jgn salah kan org pulak k! hahahahaha...

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